Tree Slicer

The tree slicer is designed to present tree structures that exist in MS OLAP, Tabular, and BW models. There are useful in filtering queries according to hierarchical structures that exist in the model, as the allow the user to navigate that same structure within the slicer, and make filter selections based on that structure. This allows you to easily filter by not just an element, but also its child elements.

There are 2 kinds of tree slicer: single select and multi select.

Single Select Tree Slicer

The single select tree slicer allows you to filter the query by a single element from any level of the hierarchy. Depending on the level in which the selected element is located, the query will be filtered by that element and all its child and grandchild elements.

Multi Select Tree Slicer

The multi select tree slicer allows you to filter by multiple element selections in the tree structure. In the example below, the query was filtered by Bike Racks and Cleaners, which are both level 2 child elements of the Accessories element. Two more elements were selected from the third level.

You can deselected all selected elements by clicking the Clear All Selections icon (green arrow).


Using the search bar, you can search for elements on any level of the tree structure. Click the x to clear your search term and return to the full tree list.

Default Member

When working with cube data sources, if a default member has been configured in the cube, this will be reflected in the tree slicer. The default member will appear at the top of the tree slicer.